Blog Notices

Sunday, 17.04.2022
Work on better smartphone integration finished
I wasn’t aware that, unlike me, many people seem to want to use their smartphones in an upright position only.
Therefore, due to error messages/feedback received concerning this blog’s mobile version, all font sizes have been reduced.
In doing so, a compromise between the desktop appearance and the mobile version had to be found.
Easier said than done as even with relative size specifications not always happened what I would’ve expected.
The blog’s subtitle had to be shortened to avoid getting too many line breaks on smartphones (less height), unfortunately.
The cover picture area has been reduced in height, too for saving space, the cover picture’s motive has been heavily minimized.
Now, one can see on smartphones the actual motive completely, too.
The mobile menu has been replaced with a new one which (in upright postion) is always visible and opens in the foreground.
Articles’ texts shouldn’t protrude on the right side over the actual text area in some browsers anymore.

Saturday, 12.03.2022
The blog on goes online (with a small article about the circle symbol).
I’m very curious about the resonance, already.